Payment of utility bills in Romania
Unfortunately, we have many cases in which tenants make erroneous payments to utility providers (electricity, gas, water), so we wrote an article in which we will present you in a general way how utility payments proceed in Romania.
You must understand that in Romania you as a tenant pay directly to the utility provider (in the
vast majority of cases).
Now, there are really several suppliers on the market for the same service, and it depends on the
owner which supplier you have, it depends on who made the contract.
Below I will explain how to pay for some of the most common suppliers and where you can
find all the necessary details.
It’s important to remember that if after signing the contract you receive payment steps
from the owner, please follow the payment steps that the owner sent you and nothing else.
Methods of paying the bill
1. Payment by scanning the barcode on the invoice
* you can use this method if you have this option in the application of the bank where you have an account
If you choose this option and if your banking application has this option, the account data should be filled in automatically after scanning the code.
2. Payment from your bank account directly to the supplier
What data do you need for payment:
a) account owner name | b) IBAN | c) bill number / ID bill | d) client code number / payment code |
a) Account owner name – where you can find it on the bill?
You can find it on the first page of the invoice and it’s the supplier’s name (for example: Engie, PPC Energie Muntenia S.A., Apa Nova, etc.)
b) IBAN – the bank account where you have to pay
You can find it on the first page of the invoice just below the account owner name or on the next pages, depends on the supplier.
Some providers have only one bank account where you can pay, others have more options at several banks, so you can choose the one that benefits you, but it depends on it.
- For example, for Engie you can find the IBAN account on the third page and you can see that you have several account options. Choose the bank that benefits you:
- Another example can be for Apa Nova and PPC Energie Muntenia S.A. where you can find the IBAN on the first page of the bill:
c) Bill number / ID bill number
You can find it on the first page of the invoice under the name of ‘ID factura’ or ‘Factura nr.’. (‘Factura’ means ‘bill’ in Romanian)
- For example, for Apa Nova or Engie you need the ‘bill number’ (nr. factura):
- but for PPC Energie Muntenia S.A. you need the ‘ID bill number’ (ID factura).
d) Client code number / payment code
You can find it on the first page of the invoice under the name of ‘Cod client’.
- For example, for Apa Nova or Engie you need the ‘client code number’ (cod client):
- but for PPC Energie Muntenia S.A. you need the ‘payment number’ (cod plata).
Both ‘bill number’ and ‘client code number’ must be included in the payment details so that the supplier knows which address and customer it is.
If you only make a simple payment and do not write these details, the supplier does not know who you are. They have thousands of customers and invoices, so it’s impossible for anyone to find you by name (the invoices are in the name of the owner and you pay from an account that is in your name) or the payment amount (there can be hundreds of invoices for the same amount).
*The pictures and suppliers above are just examples, the invoices may look different depending on the supplier, but essentially to make a payment you need almost the same details. Remember, this is just general information.